My Supports

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  Within my environment, there are many factors that provide support in my life. I cannot imagine where I would be without my family, friends, co-workers/career or even the chance to go back to school to get my master's degree, amongst other things.  The various people in my life support me by giving me encouragement to get through the hard days and being there for me through the happy or sad days.  My colleagues and professors reassure me that I am not alone on my journey to finish my master's program.  The children and their families, in my class, make me feel like I chose the right career path, by creating positive and long-lasting relationships with me. Plus, my career allows me to live a comfortable lifestyle.

     If I did not have one or more of these support systems, I would find it difficult to be the person I am today.  I can't imagine having to go through life feeling alone, maybe unaccepted or not having the funds to live my life like I am accustomed to.

    When my mom moved with her family from Europe to the United States, when she was a young teenager, she didn't know any English. Along with her siblings, she had to learn English quickly in order to communicate with her new peers and people in the community. Sometimes, I imagine what it would be like if I had to face the same challenge that she did.  I think it would be difficult for me to not be able to communicate with others around me, except for my family or others who spoke the same language I did. As a teacher, I have experienced not being able to effectively communicate with one of my students who did not know English.  There was much frustration on both our ends because we couldn't understand one another.  Even with hand gestures, there seemed to be a miscommunication.

   I know I would be able to count on my family or friends who shared the same culture and language as I did, and I hope I would have support from my new teachers and peers. If I couldn't communicate with anyone, I would probably be unhappy and get frustrated easily because I wouldn't be able to understand what others are saying, nor would they be able to understand me. Luckily, I only have to imagine this scenario unlike those that actually live it. Hopefully for those that are in this situation, can have the support they need to feel accepted and loved.


  1. I agree with you, learn English to communicate is vital. By helping each other in our different needs and be supportive and initiative to assess others on their needs shows how our help is making a big difference in other’s lives.

  2. I love how you included your class and their families as part of your emotional support for yourself as it does help to validate that you made the right choice.


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