Communicating with Others

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Do I find myself communicating differently with people from different groups or culture? The answer is simple. Yes, of course I communicate differently. Who doesn't? The way I communicate and the language I use varies depending on who I am talking to and where I am at. For example, the way I talk while at work or at a place where many are children are present is more reserved than when I am hanging out with friends and there are no children around. My language is different along with my mannerisms and tone. It is like I am two different people. Even within my own family, I watch what I say when I am around some of my more conservative aunts and uncles than I do my parents.

Being aware of my surroundings is one way that helps me communicate effectively with others. My language is more toned down depending on where I am and who is around me. In addition, it helps to know or at least be familiar with some of the ideas or beliefs of the person/people I am talking to. If I don't then I try to stay away from some sensitive subjects that may cause a conflict or stir up strong emotions such as religion or political views.


  1. Hi Trisha,

    I enjoyed reading your blog and I too agree with you that we communicate with people different from a professional to a personal level. I cannot imagine talking to my colleagues the same way I speak to my children or husband that would be inappropriate. I believe that it does not matter who we speak to we must be clear to make sure that no miscommunication arises from it.

  2. Hi Trisha,

    I resonate with your thinking. We even talk different with each person in our own immediate environment. It is interesting how human beings modify their communication behaviors depending on who we are talking to.

  3. Hi Trisha,
    Great post, I didn't even consider the different type of communication skills one has when speaking to family members. I enjoyed reading your blog!

  4. Hi Trisha. Great post. It is important who you is around to know when you use the correct communication. Like you say, depending on the people who we are around, we wants to show respect. That's just like if you have children, we have to be mindful on how we communicate around them because we all know that children can pick and repeat what you have said. So we have to be mindful who we are around when communicating.


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