Final Blog

Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field

1. Poverty affects children and families globally as well as children and families living in the United States.  Poverty has lifelong affects including health and developmental issues. In Paraguay, there is a program, Pastoral del Nino which began in 1995, available to help and support families and children. This program places importance on respecting and valuing children as well as believing that parents are their children's first and most important teachers.

2. Another insight is how difficult it is for immigrants to have a sense of belonging when they come to the United States because of language barriers and cultural differences. They also face differences within their own family such as finding a balance in their daily routine and ways to preserve their culture.

3.Lastly, the availability and accessibility of early education programs are limited for immigrant families because they may be unaware of programs that are being offered or of the eligibility rules for various programs. Participation in early childhood programs may also be affected by location, affordability, eligibility and the enrollment process. 

One goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends...

My goal is to learn more information as it relates to international awareness of issues and trends.  I hope to explore new international organizations that help support children and their families living in poverty and/or do not have access to programs that provide aide.

In the spirit of collegian relations...

Image result for high quality preschool quotes

Thank you to all my colleagues who have shared their knowledge with me, not just in this class but also throughout my journey in this program. I wish you well as you continue on your path to achieving your Master's degree.


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