Getting to Know International Organizations

Image result for CARE logo

CARE was founded in the United States in 1945 when it sent food parcels to Europe.  Originally standing for Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, CARE has since changed to mean Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere. This organization works in over 90 countries through 950 poverty-fighting development and humanitarian aid programs. It is one of the leading humanitarian organizations fighting poverty and their vision states, "CARE seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security" (CARE, n.d.). 

In order to end poverty, CARE believes that women and girls need to gain empowerment through education and economic opportunity or choice.  By equipping a woman with this knowledge, she can be a catalyst for positive change in her community.  The organization goes on to state that “poverty is not always caused by a lack of economic resources; it is often the result of discrimination or social injustice that prevents people from accessing tools, resources and education they need to improve their situation (CARE, n.d.).

I have learned that poverty effects mostly children and women around the world and that it is harder for children to overcome poverty than adults.  Additionally, adults who live in impoverish conditions may work 2 or more jobs, but due to low wages, they cannot afford the essentials for everyday living.

CARE. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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