Expanding Horizons and Expanding Resources

Image result for save the children

Save the Children is a non-profit organization that helps and supports children in the United States and around the world.  Their programs focus on health, education, protection and disaster relief. The organization is "dedicated to ensuring every child has the best chance for success."
Within the United States, Save the Children provides educational programs for children living in impoverish rural America by helping them get ready for kindergarten. These programs give children the "opportunity to learn and grow early on." In addition, the organization helps in emergencies by preparing, protecting and helping children cope with these disasters.

Throughout 120 countries, Save the Children has various programs that "focus on health, education, protection and disaster relief." These global programs provide health programs that "save children's lives and ensure they grow up healthy."  Plus, their programs help children develop literacy and numeracy skills and provide high-impact, low-cost care.

Image result for children's defense fund

Children's Defense Fund, founded in 1973, is a non-profit child advocacy and research organization within the United States. The organization "champion policies and programs that lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their access to health care, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation." I chose this program because a few of my work colleagues donate to it and I wanted to learn more about it. 


Save the Children Federation, Inc. (n.d). Retrieved from https://www.savethechildren.org/

Children's Defense Fund. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.childrensdefense.org/


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