My Connection to Play
Essential play items for when I was younger: I have many fond memories of playing as child. One such time was when my siblings, cousins and I would pretend to be students and teacher. We would make up an attendance list, "homework" and tests. We each would take turns being the teacher and come up with our own set of rules. I also remember being able to play outside, especially playing kickball with the kids in the neighborhood. On the front lawn, there were two trees, a rosebush and a large rock, which all served as the bases. We would play for hours, until it was time to go in for dinner. Our parents supported our play by allowing us to play. They did not interrupt or interfere with our play unless it was necessary. They allowed us to have fun. Times have definitely changed since I was a child. I feel when I was younger, children were able to play outside more often and without adult supervision. Nowadays, children do n...