Inspirational quotes

"We know that teachers are the key to good child care - and as long as teachers are undervalued, American children, too, will keep getting less than they deserve."
-Marcy Whitebook

"Do it well, finish it properly, and move on."
-Eunice Kennedy Shriver

"If you don't have an idea that materializes and changes a person's life, then what have you got? You have talk, research, telephone calls, meetings, but you don't have a change in the community."
-Eunice Kennedy Shriver

"It was the most joyful experience where I felt everything in me was being called on to teach and also it was very rewarding. It made me feel whole and creative, so it became my lifelong work in early childhood education and the passion to make sure all children were taught in environments and ways that were truly nurturing their ability to grow and develop to their fullest potential."
-Louise Derman-Sparks

"What a unique opportunity we have in working with children.  We, as professionals in the early childhood field, have the opportunity to shape a child's life for the better."
-Sandy Escobido


  1. Great quotes! I especially agree with the first one! I think teachers in early childcare settings are incredibly undervalued and it really shows in the care and education a lot of children are receiving. It's time we start valuing teachers and giving children the high quality care and education they truly deserve!

  2. Awesome quotes! I love Mrs. Derman Sparks quote especially because she feel like I feel while teaching as well. She has a passion to nurture children like I do as well and loves the ability to be creative and watch the children grow and develop.


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