
Showing posts from June, 2018

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

The following are three ideals from National Association for the Education of Young Children and/or The Division for Early Childhood's code of ethics that are meaningful to me:      1.) To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities and potential of each child (NAEYC, 2005).       As a human being, I would hope that everyone would treat me with respect and kindness, no matter my gender, race, ethnicity, etc.  As an educator, I try to reciprocate this feeling for every child whether in my direct care or not. Every child should be treated as the special individual he or she is. Plus, a  child has something unique to offer, which everyone can learn from.  When educators allow a child to be who he or she is, I believe, a child can fully develop into a well-rounded adult.     2.) To support the right of each child to play and learn in an inclusive environment that meets the needs of children with and without disabilities ...

A Collection of Resources

Position Statements and Influential Practices Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children From Birth Through Age 8 Where We Stand on Child Abuse Prevention Where We Stand on School Readiness Where We Stand on Responding to Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Early Childhood Curriculum, Assessments, and Program Evaluation: Building an Effective, Accountable System in Programs for Children Birth Through Age 8 Early Childhood Inclusion: A Summary Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families Evidence-based Practice Empowers Early Childhood Professionals and Families Knowledge-to-Action Guides Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being Fact Sheet: A Summary of the Rights Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child World Forum Foundation World Organization of Early Childhood Education Association for Early Education International Selected Early Childhood Organizations Na...

Inspirational quotes

"We know that teachers are the key to good child care - and as long as teachers are undervalued, American children, too, will keep getting less than they deserve." -Marcy Whitebook "Do it well, finish it properly, and move on." -Eunice Kennedy Shriver "If you don't have an idea that materializes and changes a person's life, then what have you got? You have talk, research, telephone calls, meetings, but you don't have a change in the community." -Eunice Kennedy Shriver "It was the most joyful experience where I felt everything in me was being called on to teach and also it was very rewarding. It made me feel whole and creative, so it became my lifelong work in early childhood education and the passion to make sure all children were taught in environments and ways that were truly nurturing their ability to grow and develop to their fullest potential." -Louise Derman-Sparks "What a unique opportunity we ha...