Two of my favorite books

Image result for the little mouse and the big red strawberry

Every year, I cannot wait to read this book with the classroom I am teaching in.  I love the responses the kids give when I ask them questions about the book such as "Do you think there really is a bear?" or "What would you do with the strawberry so that the bear doesn't get it?" Plus, I like the various activities I can do to go along with the story.

Image result for no david

David Goes to School by David Shannon is another one of my favorite books.  I feel that when I read this book the kids can relate to David while he is in school.  I enjoy changing David's name to one of the children's name in my class.  They all get a kick out of it, laugh and can't wait to see whose name I am going to use next.



  1. Hi, Trisha! I've never read either of these books before. Could you tell me more about them and how the children in your class relate to the characters? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jaime,

      "David Goes to School" is part of the "No David" book series written by David Shannon, which follows David when he was a kid. In "David Goes to School," David gets into "trouble" doing things he should not do while at school such as cutting in line, writing on desks/tables, and chewing gum. My class thinks it's funny when I change the names because they know I'm being silly and can't wait to see which page I'm going to say their name on. They liked this book and "No David," which depicts David at home getting into mischief, so much that we did a whole lesson on them. Hope this was helpful.


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