Personal Childhood Web

      I have been fortunate to be surrounded by numerous people who have supported and cared for me throughout my life. They have truly made me feel special and loved.

      First and foremost, the most influential people in my life are my parents.  My parents have always been there for me and loved me unconditionally.  They have instilled in me a kindness and respect for others and a love for cooking, which I'm most appreciative for.
     Some of my fondest memories with my parents are when they would take my sister, brother and me on vacations during the summer, especially on camping trips.  I remember when we first started camping, we had a pop-up trailer that was yellow on the outside and avocado green on the inside. Then we "graduated" to tent camping in Lake Tahoe, where we would have to "hide" our food and sweet smelling items so that the bears wouldn't get them. We would go fishing, bike riding, and roast marshmallows while we were there.   Even though we haven't been camping in over 15 years, we still try to take yearly family vacations.

        Lauren (bottom left) and Heather (top left) have been part of my support team for a combined 33 years.  They both encouraged me to go back to school, along with them, to get a master's degree.  They have been my shoulder to cry on, my go-to friends when something positive or negative happens to me, or there for me when I need a good laugh. For all of this, I am grateful.  Plus, I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to have them both as a roommate at some point in my adult life.

     My sister, Kristen, has been there for me since day one, literally.  She is the kindest, funniest and most generous person I know.  Being sisters, we have had our moments of agreements and disagreements, but we had the upmost respect and love for each other.  We are always there for one another and I couldn't ask for a better person to be in my corner than her.  I also loved that she encouraged me to do a 10k five years ago, which has sparked my love for jogging and hiking today. 


  1. As reading your personal childhood blog, it is amazing that your parents took you, your sister and brother on summer trips like my parents. I also have a sister and a brother. Your first friend is your siblings. Because most of the time you connect with them first.


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